7 Early Warning Signs of a Urinary Tract Infection

7 Early Warning Signs of a Urinary Tract Infection

Urinary tract infections (UTIs) can be extremely painful and discomforting. The bacteria E. coli causes UTIs when it enters the urinary system. According to urologists, the main reasons for UTIs are wearing very tight-fitting clothes, wiping from back to front after using the toilet, and not passing urine post intercourse. To help one understand the condition well, here are some early warning signs of a urinary tract infection.

Pain in the Lower Abdomen and Back
One of the most common early warning signs of a urinary tract infection is pain in the lower abdomen or back. Initially, one won’t be able to make it out, as it can be just a cramp every now and then. But with time, it develops into a constant and sharp pain. The inflamed bladder tries to fight the infection, which causes the pain. On ignoring the early warning signs, the infection can spread to the kidneys and cause backache, fever, shivering, and vomiting.

Change in Urine Color
Change in the color of urine is one of the most common early warning signs of a urinary tract infection. Those suffering from a UTI might notice cloudy or dark usine and even experience pain while urinating. In some cases, patients also pass pink or bloody urine, which is a clear sign of a bacterial infection.

Strong and Frequent Urge to Urinate
The early warning signs of a urinary tract infection also include frequent urination. The bacteria can affect the bladder when it enters the urinary tract, and one may want to urinate more than often. This is because of the inflammation in the bladder and the urethra. This inflammation pressurizes the receptors, making one urinate a lot more. This may be coupled with a strange smell in the urine as well.

Low Quantity
Although one may experience a very strong urge to urinate, they may be able to produce only a small amount of urine. The inflammation can narrow the urinary tract opening, causing less urine to pass through.

Pain While Urinating
Pain, or a burning sensation, while urinating is also among the most common early warning signs of a urinary tract infection. The inflamed tissue gets sensitive, causing pain or a burning sensation. The inflammation of the bladder wall causes pain and irritation whenever you urinate.

Difficulty in Holding
Those suffering from a UTI you may have less control over their bladder, which is caused by the inflammation.

UTIs can severly exhaust the body. Frequent urination and pain in the abdomen and back can drain the body of energy.

It’s always good to get the infection diagnosed early, to get the proper treatment. So, if one experiences any of the early warning signs of a urinary tract infection mentioned above, they must consult an urologist without delay.